Google Ads tips by Clarity

Google Ads tips by ClarityGoogle Ads has rolled out a new feature – “Seasonality adjustments” for Search and Display Campaigns. And later this year we will have a chance to use it on the Shopping Campaigns as well.

Google´s AI has become very, very intelligent and most of the advertisers use some sort of automation. It is easy to use, saves time and often brings way better results than keeping your campaigns 100% manually driven.

But what is the biggest problem with automated strategies and functions in Google Ads? The system always takes time to “learn”. The more data you have, the faster it learns, but still, it takes some time for the machine to understand that there’s been a change and there is a need to adjust to it.
While Google Ads is quite responsive to traditional seasonal changes like, for example, holidays, when it comes to seasonality specific to your business, it can be too slow to react.

For example, imagine you have an automated strategy “Target CPA” in your Google Ads campaigns and you decide to run a short-time big discount campaign to sell your last collection items "stuck" in your stock. What most likely will happen is that during the sale your conversion rate will go up, but by the time Google Ads will adjust to that, your sale might already be over.
With the new seasonality feature, Google Ads gives advertisers an opportunity to let Google know in advance about the possible change in conversion, so that the system can adjust your bids accordingly.

To use this feature, you need to go to your Google Ads account, click “Tools”, then “Bid Strategies”, then on the left menu choose “Advanced controls”, click on the “plus” sign and create a new seasonality adjustment. You will be able to select start and end date, choose the campaigns that are going to be affected and whether this adjustment is true for all the devices. And finally, you will be able to set an expected increase or decrease in the conversion rate.
While in recent months Google has been adding more and more automated options, we are always happy to see new manual ways to adjust the automated bidding. We can´t wait to check this feature out during the next sales, what about you?

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