Google Ads recommendations: follow or ignore?

Google Ads recommendations: follow or ignore?Google Ads has a rather powerful algorithm, has huge amount of statistics about Internet usage and it’s becoming more and more intelligent, thanks to AI. So, when you visit the “Recommendations” section in your Google Ads account and see that Google has prepared some advice made specifically for you, your first instinct is to apply everything as quick as possible.

And while there are lots of recommendations that are really helpful and can improve the overall performance of your account, let’s not forget that Google Ads is a “machine” that sometimes just can’t understand small details. Also, Google Ads doesn’t have a deep understanding of your business model and objectives, so it’s always best to be careful and before implementing a new recommendation, analyse if your business will really benefit from it.

Here are some examples of Google Ads recommendations that it’s best to evaluate before implementing or dismiss altogether:

  1. Google offers to expand the audience to Google Search Partners.

If you already managed to get a decent impression share in Google Search and you still have some budget to invest, this is definitely an option to consider. But if your budget is limited and you don´t have the possibility of increasing it, it is much better to concentrate your efforts on Google Search only (which, at the end of the day, is what brings you most of your conversions) and not spend it on partner websites.

  1. Google recommends removing non-serving keywords.

Sometimes this really helps to declutter your account. But what if the non-serving keywords are your trademarks or brand keywords, for example? Keeping them will not drive the cost up, as they might be appearing rarely, and usually these keywords end up having a high CTR and higher conversion rates. If someone searches for these keywords and you’ve stopped them that opens an opportunity window for your competitors. So, analyse if implementing this recommendation will do more harm or good.

  1. Google gives keyword recommendations to add to the account.

Here we have a strong opinion: never just click apply all, without looking into details. There is a high chance that those keywords will not be relevant to your business objective. For example, for a company bidding on “cars for sale in Lisbon”, Google might recommend adding “cars for rent in Lisbon”, which will be money spent badly if the company has no rental service. Always evaluate the keywords one by one before implementing them.

  1. Google recommends applying an automated bidding strategy.

This can be either good (bringing more results at a reduced price) or bad for your account. For example, you have various conversion actions on the website, some are sales, and some are not (like signing up for a newsletter). Implementing a “Target CPA” strategy will mean Google will optimise your campaign for conversions, but in theory he can concentrate on the wrong conversion type and lower your ROAS. Analyse in detail every recommendation regarding the bidding.

To sum it up, the answer to the initial question on whether to follow or disregard Google Ads’ recommendations is to analyse each of them in detail and only then take an informed decision. And don't feel bad if you dismissing some of the recommendations. When you do it, leave feedback on the reason why you did it. Google's algorithm actually learns from it and with time will become better and better in the bespoke advices he offers for your account.

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