Keeping the hackers away – ensure that your WordPress website is secure

Keeping the hackers away – ensure that your WordPress website is secureToday we’d like to talk about website security. Let´s start with the “ugly truth”: nobody can be 100% protected online, there are no guarantees. But there are some guidelines that website owners can follow to, at least, make the task of hacking their website a more difficult one.

Why WordPress, specifically? Because WordPress is an extremely popular option and because it’s one of the few where the website owner can actually do something in order to secure the website without having to call the web development team.

So, what can we do?

1. This one is relevant for any online access you have: keep your login and password difficult to guess. Hackers will not even need to actually hack something if your login is “admin” or "your website domain" and your password is one of the standard ones (“qwerty”, “abc123”, etc). Get creative!

2. Keep your WordPress, Themes and all the plugins updated. If a new vulnerability is discovered, WordPress itself, and the themes and plugins within it, will prepare updated versions to fix it. Leaving your website with the old versions makes it potentially easier to hack.

3. Move your website to SSL/HTTPS. If you haven’t done it yet for SEO purposes (Google gives a small boost in rankings to HTTPS websites) then do it for security reasons. SSL protocol encrypts the data that is exchanged between the user’s browser and your website. This makes it harder to steal valuable information from your website.

4. Install a security plugin. The beauty of WordPress is that most of the issues can be resolved by installing the right plugin. There are quite a few options if you look for a good security plugin for WordPress, some are paid some are free. Just browse through the WordPress plugin directory, read the reviews and make your choice. And don't forget to keep this plugin updated too!

5. And finally, if the worst-case scenario actually becomes a reality, what is the one thing that might make you feel better? Yes, that’s it: a fresh backup of your website and its databases, saved elsewhere rather than on your hosting account (offsite backup). As before, this can be done with a simple plugin and there are also free and paid options on the Wordpress directory.

As you can see, these are some basic steps, which do not require coding skills or much effort, but that can definitely make a big difference in keeping your website safe.

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