Clarity on Google Analytics – getting your early website’s statistics analysis started

Clarity on Google Analytics – getting your early website’s statistics analysis startedThe beginning of the year is perfect time to, not only make New Year resolutions, but also to have a look at your website´s statistics and try to understand what can be improved or added.

You might not be using Google Analytics daily to check its performance and you might even have a dedicated employee in charge of this type of work but, even so, it’s a good idea to look through your data quarterly or at least annually to better understand how things are going.

We’ve prepared some ideas for you of where to get started in your analysis. Of course Google Analytics has a lot of info and you can go as deep as you wish, but we just want to give you a starting point. So, open your Google Analytics account and let's begin:

1. Check which marketing channels are working great for your business and which are underperforming.
Go to Acquisition–Overview. Select the time period of the year 2019 compared with 2018. Now you can see all the ways that people found your website. See which channels are bringing more leads (conversions columns), which channels brought more visitors that year compared to the previous one. And then think about how much you are investing in each one of those channels. Are you spending most of your marketing budget on something that does not bring enough leads? Is there a marketing channel that receives very little investment, but brings more sales? After this type of analysis, you might want to rethink your digital marketing budgets for 2020.

2. Which pages of your website are performing better?
Go to Behaviour–Site Content–All Pages. Which pages receive more traffic? Which pages are more interesting to users? Are these about the product or service you want to promote the most? Which pages are underperforming (see bounce rate and exit rate). You want to make sure that the popular pages of your website have fresh content. You don’t want the page that is seen more often to have any outdated information. Can you improve those pages even more? Is there more useful information to add or can you maybe create some infographics? Are those pages easily accessible on the website, or can you simplify this access by changing the internal links structure? And as for underperforming pages, what can you do to improve user experience on those pages?

3. Check if all the ways to convert on your website are performing well.
Go to Goals–Overview. You can see all the conversion actions on the website and also conversion completion locations. Are you getting a lot of one type of conversion and almost none from the other(s)? Is that justified? Or maybe, for example, people are ignoring your contact form and prefer to send an email, because said contact form has too many mandatory questions? Can you improve user experience? Do you have a page where most of the conversions happen? Analyse why this page in particular. What can you learn from this page in order to improve the conversion rate on other pages? If you have a product / service that you want to promote / sell more than others, check if the ways to buy / contact you are easy enough for the user.

These are just some initial ideas for your New Year analysis. Start here and this will give you some useful insights for your 2020 marketing analysis and planning.

Happy analysing!

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