Audience selection on Facebook post promotions

Audience selection on Facebook post promotionsAre your post promotions on Facebook efficient? Are you really reaching people who are interested in your product or service?
Facebook post promotion is a common practice to really get to people on social media. When we spend our money on this social network, there is the option to select the audience you want to target. Are you doing it?

“Yes, I'm putting in the value, the duration and the location” – OK, good! What about the audience’s interests?
Let's say you have a children's clothing store. Are you showing baby clothes ads to non-parents? OK, in the future they might become parents, or they might even have to buy it to offer to someone. But isn't it better to focus on who actually goes to your store and buys your products? Who makes up the bulk of your clientele, the ones that pay your expenses – your bread and butter? Mothers who buy clothes for their children, right? So why spend or invest money in an audience that has no interest in your baby clothes (which are beautiful, by the way!)…?
The audience selection option allows you reach people who have interests, or a pre-disposition for your type of products or services, thus increasing the possibility of them making a purchase, hiring a service, or creating a link or a bond with your brand or institution.
This option is available when editing the audience in your promotion, but if you have any questions, just let us know and we’ll help you out.

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