Facebook Ads tips by Clarity

Facebook Ads tips by ClarityFacebook boosts still confuse a lot of business owners. Are boosts the same as Facebook ads? Are they ads at all? Where can they appear? Which one is the right one for my business: boost or ad campaign? These are just some of the questions that we are asked on a regular basis.

Creating custom promotion extensions in Google Ads by Clarity

Creating custom promotion extensions in Google Ads by ClarityImagine that you want to go ahead with a special promotion for one of your products or services, such as offering a certain X% discount on all online purchases for 2 days. Of course, the first thing to do is shout it from the rooftops, so that leads and sales start pouring in. And obviously you’ll use Google Ads because, in this digital world, there is no way to deny its efficiency, right?! But as soon as you sign in and start preparing the campaign, you realise that none of the promotion options suggested by Google Ads fit into what you want. Ah, the disappointment... Now what?

Portugal on crest of wave in sustainable energy push

wavesRoughWith Portugal recognised as being amongst the leading countries globally when it comes to sustainable energy and environmentally friendly policies, it is of little surprise that it is heavily involved in new technology to harness the abundant power of ocean waves, according to an article in South EU Summit.

The Waveroller ocean energy system is a partnership between private investors in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Finland, Turkey, the UK, and Canada. It recently passed a major certification test which moved it significantly closer to being used in Portuguese waters. The Atlantic waters to the south and west of Portugal offer a vast territory for harnessing the power of the natural movement of the ocean.

Google News by Clarity

Google News by ClarityDon´t miss out on these important news from Google! The Search Console stopped supporting the preferred domain setting.

A website can have two versions: with www and without it. If you follow good SEO practices, you have this issue already covered, having only one preferred version of the website available online. And in this case, you can relax, as there’s nothing for you to do or change regarding it, good work!

Reasons as why ‘The 100’ is the Best Sci-Fi TV Show?

bluemoonLook at the title. Pretty burning, correct? Is this man really trying to claim that the show on The CW Vampire Diaries' home may actually go toe-toe right, but now win with just about everything on science fiction TV?

How to fix Corrupted Files on your PC

6208aThis is a message you see often. “The file is corrupt and cannot be opened.” Maybe you’re more familiar with this kind of message. “There was an error opening this document. The file is damaged.”

Irrespective of how file error messages are worded, they can be frustrating. More so, they could be costly if important work or school files are affected. Virus attacks are the biggest causes of corruption in PC files. But it could also a simple thing like shutting down your PC suddenly. Whatever the case, the following tools can help you repair your files.

Google Ads news by Clarity

Google Ads news by ClarityA new interactive ad format is coming to Google Search Ads!

Recently Google has announced that, until the end of this year, they are going to make available to all advertisers a new ads format – the Gallery Ads. Google has been testing this feature since February, so some lucky accounts might already have it available.

MORE News in Google Ads by Clarity

MORE News in Google Ads by ClarityMore and more news coming in from Google Ads! This time, advertisers are going to get more settings regarding the bidding strategies. These updates are going to be available in accounts within the next weeks, for some advertisers, or the next months, for others.

Whatever the case may be for you, we’re happy to share all the details, so that you can prepare and make a plan for an updated strategy.