Algarve Senior Bikers go bonkers with conkers

ALGARVE SENIOR BIKERS GO BONKERS WITH CONKERSThe ASB ride which took place on Wednesday 15th November, was preceded by a game of 'conkers'. After several rounds of the knockout competition there were two unbeaten players - Tim Holmes and Huw Chivers.

For those of you not familiar with this ancient British traditional game it is played using the hard shiny brown nuts of the horse chestnut tree known as conkers. Each player has a nut on the end of a string and they take turns to strike the opponent's conker. The winner is the person who destroys the opponent's conker and goes on to the next round. 

The conkers final was started at the meeting point at Rooster's near S.B. Messines, and continued on during the day's ride to the coffee break in São Barnabe and again after everyone had enjoyed a very nice lunch at restaurant Paraiso de Montana, near Foia.

After such a long time with neither competitor's conkers suffering any serious damage, Tim and Huw were declared joint champions.

In the meantime everyone had a great day of riding though hills on a beautiful clear sunny day.

The route included some of the highest roads in the Algarve with great views of the mountains and towards the coast. The event was organised by Huw Chivers, Peter Kenyon and David Shirley. 

Next event 

Charity Christmas lunch on the 8th of December at restaurant O Barril, Albufeira.  All are invited including riders, family, friends and guests. Details on the website.