Bridge at the Holiday Inn - every Saturday

Play BridgeDuplicate Bridge in the Holiday Inn Algarve, Armação de Pêra takes place every Saturday. Starting time is 1.45pm.

Everyone is welcome - beginners to experienced players. 

For more information please contact Finola Gibson - 282 312 873 (answermachine) or by e-mail:

Portuguese lessons - Fun, Friendly and affordable!

Portuguese Lessons for BeginnersA new BEGINNERS CLASS to learn Portuguese starts this Monday, 10th of September, from 5pm to 6.30pm at Activitarte Albufeira.  Classes are 90 mins per class, every Monday, and the cost is just *€60 per month. ITS FUN, affordable and you LEARN!

The Ferry Cat Refuge, Lagos

The Ferry Cat Refuge, LagosOne of Lagos’s most famous, if unofficial, tourist attractions the “Ferry Cat Refuge” has recently received a complete make-over, writes Patrick Street. The facility supported by The NANDI charity, on the banks of the Rio Bensafrim at the Ferry embarkation point on the Meia Praia side, has been in existence for as long as most people can remember.

Happy 1st Birthday Foreign Welcome Group

Casa do Povo, MessinesThe Foreign Welcome group will have existed for a year in April 2012 and can look back on a good first year.  Starting from scratch they have had their challenges getting things moving. The group's aim is to enhance the lives of expats and the local community by building links and removing barriers.  

The Dream Association

The Dream AssociationFounded in 2010 by Willemijn Van Der Brink, João Miguel Moreno and Celia Maria Rodrigues Monteiro. with the intention to improve the quality of life for children and youth in the Vila Real de Santo Antonio community. 

Residência Segura (Safe Residence Program) Celebrates its 2nd Anniversary.

IsecaA gathering took place at Loulé GNR station on 26th January 2012 to mark the 2nd anniversary of the forming of the Safe Residence Program (SRP). Some 35 residents representing 17 villages who have joined the program attended the event which was hosted by Capitão Abel Arcanjo de Sousa Adriano, Commandante do Destascamento Territorial da GNR de Loulé and overall in charge of the SRP which operates in the area.

Centre Algarve - Special Needs holiday trust

Centre Algarve - Special Needs Holiday TrustCentre Algarve, Europe's FIRST specialist holiday centre for Special needs and disabled people.

The Royal British Legion in Portugal

Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion has been helping Service people past and present for the last 90 years.  The Legion is the major voice for Service and ex-Service people throughout the year.  We are custodians of Remembrance, ensuring that those who gave their lives for the freedom we enjoy today are always remembered.  We welcome men and women of all ages, whether or not they have served in the Armed Forces.