Signing of Protocol between Safe Communities Portugal, GNR and PSP

British EmbassySafe Communities Algarve (SCA) was launched in October 2011. Its aim is to promote safe communities, enhance security awareness and reduce the risk of becoming a victim of crime. In November 2012 it was registered as Associação Safe Communities Algarve becoming Portugal’s first non-profit crime prevention association.
In 2014 it was renamed Associação SCP, Safe Communities Portugal (SCP), to reflect its expanding work outside the Algarve. SCA relies solely at present on donations from individuals and businesses and is run by a board of five persons who receive no remuneration for the free services provided. They have advisors with expertise in various fields including cyber security to public administration.

British-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce Christmas Gala

British-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce Christmas GalaThe BPCC Annual Christmas Gala event took place at Vila Vita Parc Resort & Spa on the 6th December and was sponsored by Chamber Members Credential Partners, Sovereign, Grupo HPA Saúde, Quinta do Barranco Longo and Vila Vita Parc Resort & Spa, and with the support of Photography Artlines.

Over fifty of the Algarve's businessmen and women attended the BPCC Annual Christmas Gala held on 6 December at Vila Vita Parc Resort & Spa, in Porches, this year featuring Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Portugal, Mrs. Kirsty Hayes, as guest of honour.

Grey Skies turn to Blue for Bikers

Grey Skies turn to Blue for BikersASB members met in Paderne for a ride on Friday 21st of November for a ride to Malhão in the hills north of Salir. The route was planned and should have been led by Hans who was unable to attend when the ride was delayed by two days due to bad weather. In his absence the ride into the mountains between Salir and Almodovar was led by David and Steve.

A New Approach to Rotary in Porches

Rotary e-club PorchesThe annual visit of the District Governor is always a special time for a Rotary club. This year, Rotary Porches reached a much-anticipated goal as well; the club was presented with official authorization for its change to become an E-club and to change the club’s name to Rotary E-club Porches International.

District 1960 Governor António Mendes presented President Goran Linde with the charter to make the transition complete at a recent lunch at Primavera Restaurant in Carvoeiro.

Rotarians visit Farol Island

Rotarians Visit Farol IslandOn Saturday, September 27th, members of the Rotary Club Estoi Palace International, together with members from Almancil International Rotary Club, friends and family, took the ferry from Olhão to visit the town of Farol on Ihla da Culatra, in the barrier islands off Olhão.

Culatra is the most visible of the barrier islands, due to its tall white lighthouse. The Portuguese word for a lighthouse is farol.

Royal British Legion WWI Garden Party - Oct 4th

Royal British Legion World War One EventA crucial Reminder of the sacrifices made” in Commemoration of the 100 year Anniversary of the First World War, an event will take place at The Palace of Estoi on 4th October 2014.

A Garden Party is being arranged to be held in the Formal Gardens of Estoi Palace during the afternoon and evening of 4th October.

Algarve Senior Bikers welcome Canadian friends

Distant ASB memebers, Madeleine and GregA special ride and lunch was organised by David Shirley on Monday September 1st to welcome the ASB's most distant member.  

Madeleine Marques was in the Algarve on holiday with her partner Greg Hartmann.

NEW Mediterranean Gardening Association

NEW Mediterranean Gardening AssociationThere is a new association in Portugal dedicated to plants and gardens of the Mediterranean climate zones created by an international group of enthusiastic gardeners: the Mediterranean Gardening Association.

The association was founded after the recent changes in national legislation. Earlier events and activities were part of the Mediterranean Garden Society, but as this had no legal status in Portugal it was necessary to form a new group in order to continue and to develop activities.