Thank you to Tina McEvoy and Art for Dogs, for a donation of €615 to Streetlife

Tina McEvoy, an artist who creates Art to Help DogsTina McEvoy, an artist who creates Art to Help Dogs, held an Art Exhibition in the lovely reception area of the Octant Vila Monte Hotel on the 17th November.

An Incredible Night! afpop EA raises €1835 for StreetLife - the local Animal Sterilisation Programme

Photo by Debbie Lengafpop East Algarve organised a Wine Tasting & Dinner at Octant Vila Monte on the 17th November and raised €1835 for StreetLife - the local Animal Sterilisation Programme.

Dictionaries for Estoi School

DICTIONARIES FOR ESTOI SCHOOLFor the last 11 years Rotary Club Estoi Palace International (RCEPI) has given a Portuguese / English dictionary to each of the 5th year students of the School “Poeta Emiliano da Costa in Estoi.

Charity Christmas Market - Nov 19th

CHARITY CHRISTMAS MARKET - NOV 19THCome and support small businesses and local artisans, plus help raise money for Tiny Shelter Albufeira!

Streetlife celebrates 5 years & raises €1536 … what a night!

STREETLIFE CELEBRATES 5 YEARS & RAISES €1536 … WHAT A NIGHT!82 StreetLife supporters attended a Dine & Party Night to celebrate StreetLife’s 5th anniversary at Restaurante Antonio in Moncarapacho.  As a result, €1536.00 was raised to help their Animal Sterilisation Programme in the East Algarve.

"Pink Ladies" golf event in Silves raises over €4000

"PINK LADIES" GOLF EVENT IN SILVES RAISES OVER €4000A group of 98 ladies dressed in pink, (allied colour to breast cancer prevention) held a golf game in Silves on September 1st, to raise money for the Associação Oncológia do Algarve (AOA).

Rotary Charity Golf Tournament 2022 raises €9,500

ROTARY CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT 2022 RAISES €9,500Rotary Club Estoi Palace International (RCEPI) held its 10th annual Rotary Charity Golf Tournament at Monte Rei Golf and Country Club on the 26th August.

Are you a Spec-saver?

ARE YOU A SPEC-SAVER?Christ The King Anglican Church Algarve has a question for you - are you a Spec-saver? Please say yes! We need your old and your used Spectacles, Prescription Glasses, Reading glasses, Sunglasses, Bifocal Glasses, any kind of glasses - In any condition!