Move Overseas With Ease - Tips & Ideas To Live Your Best Life Abroad (Part 5)

MOVE OVERSEAS WITH EASE - TIPS & IDEAS TO LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE ABROAD (PART 4)No emergency contact. When we decide to take an international assignment and plan our trip abroad, the logistics and practical issues take a front seat. We rarely know the typical phases of cultural adjustment and how to prepare for potential pitfalls.

AlgarvePLUS Magazine - September 2021

AlgarvePLUS Magazine - September 2021In this issue you'll discover more star names that have joined the AlgarvePLUS line up - Check out page 21 for the low down on Algarvedailynews' very own Sue Englefield!

CLICK HERE and view full screen to read AlgarvePLUS September 2021.

What Foreign Students Should Know About Essay Writing in Portugal

WHAT FOREIGN STUDENTS SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ESSAY WRITING IN PORTUGALBeing an international student can be stressful. Sometimes, it affects your academics because you are in a new environment, and you are probably clueless about the academic requirements in your place of study. Fortunately, you can get mentally prepared for what to expect.

Medical Education Tips: How To Prolong Your Certificate During The Pandemic

MEDICAL EDUCATION TIPS: HOW TO PROLONG YOUR CERTIFICATE DURING THE PANDEMICDuring the past couple of years, the world has witnessed tremendous changes due to the pandemic. People had to work from home, students attend classes online, and it happened all of a sudden that no one had time to prepare for such changes. Some people were more affected than others due to the different circumstances and the way change affected them.

Move Overseas With Ease - Tips & Ideas To Live Your Best Life Abroad (Part 4)

MOVE OVERSEAS WITH EASE - TIPS & IDEAS TO LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE ABROAD (PART 4)How to prepare to move abroad. When we are preparing for an international assignment, it is common to focus on all the things that must be done, and all the logistics behind a big international move. We tend to put all our attention on what to take with us.

Move Overseas With Ease - Tips & Ideas To Live Your Best Life Abroad (Part 3)

MOVE OVERSEAS WITH EASE - TIPS & IDEAS TO LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE ABROAD (PART 3)Mistakes expats make (and how to avoid them). As an intercultural psychologist and expat coach, I have heard a lot of people’s experiences about moving abroad. I have narrowed it down to 3 mistakes expats frequently make. I also give some suggestions to deal with the issues so you don't get trapped in them too.

Essential Skills to Succeed in the Police

ESSENTIAL SKILLS TO SUCCEED IN THE POLICEIf you like the idea of a career where you can help others and play a proactive part in keeping your community safe from crime, a job as a police officer might be an ideal choice for you. However, the decision to enter a career in the police should never be one that is taken lightly.

Move Overseas With Ease - Tips & Ideas To Live Your Best Life Abroad (Part 2)

MOVE OVERSEAS WITH EASE - TIPS & IDEAS TO LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE ABROAD (PART 2)Tips to overcome culture shock. You’ve moved to a new country and you're living in a different culture. You might be excited about the new adventure or fearful about what’s ahead. Either way, your life is sure to be filled with new emotions. And let’s be real: how you deal with these emotions will greatly affect how well you adjust to the new culture.