School chaos continues, thousands still without teachers

schoolThousands of pupils in Portugal’s schools have no teachers in many subjects as the chaotic allocation of teaching staff continues to disrupt the education system.

This year’s mishandling of the allocation already has seen one head roll, that of Mário Agostinho Alves Pereira, whose ‘resignation’ was accepted by an increasingly vulnerable Education Minister, Nuno Crato.

Portugal's Finance Minister still in dreamland

alberquerquePortugal’s Finance Minister Maria Luís Albuquerque has created her own, rather wonderful fairytale around the collapse of BES and the failure of the regulators.

Believing every word of her carefull prepared version of events, the minister informed representatives from the Central Banks of the world's Portuguese speaking countries that the BES case showed that the financial system in Portugal is "more robust and ready."

Ebola in Spain – Europe’s first case

vaccineA nurse in Spain has tested positive for the Ebola virus after treating a patient with the virus.

The nurse was part of the medical team which cared for a Spanish missionary who contracted Ebola in Sierra Leone and was then repatriated to Spain two weeks ago for medical attention.

September holiday figures up, but where were the Brits?

hotel2More good news from the Algarve hoteliers as their association reports an occupancy rate of 81% in September, 1.7% up on last year.

The main rise was from the Germans, up 1.8% and from the Portuguese, up nearly 1% despite the deep recession cutting into family holiday budgets.

French towns open to Sunday trade

louvreFrance’s prime minister has announced that Sunday trading will be permitted in major French towns and that museums will now open every day of the week.

The initiatives are part of France’s desperate reform attempts to bolster its flagging economy. The measures include ending the country’s 35-hour work week and dropping the top 75% tax rate by January.

Espírito Santo advised millionaire clients to ignore tax amnesty

bessalgadoarrestSenior advisers in the Espírito Santo organisation made every effort to persuade their clients who had bank accounts in the Swiss subsidiary not to take advantage of the Portuguese government’s tax amnesty and to leave the money where it was, rather than transfer it to Portugal.

According to Correio da Manha, a letter sent by Compagnie Financière Espírito Santo to Portuguese millionaire depositors in its Swiss bank suggested that they could have trouble with the law if they repatriated funds to Portugal.

More PT fallout - Zeinal Bava sacked from Brazilian partner Oi

oiZeinal Bava, the PT boss who quit for Brazil when the Rioforte loan scandal hit the headlines, has been kicked out of the Brazilian company Oi.

The official announcement will be made later this week but the departure of Zeinal Abedin Mahomed Bava from the COE job at the Brazilian telecoms giant marks the end of appointments that gave the distinct impression of rewarding failure.

Lloyds Bank curtails expat options

lloydsLloyds Bank is limiting its services for expats and has told them that now they can keep only their existing accounts.

Expats who have An “eSavings” account will not be able to switch to a different savings account with Lloyds due to a clause that requires holders to have a British address.