Europe enjoys good harvests this year

gmcropsEurope is expecting a good harvest this year, but the market has shrunk with the Russia’s ban on importing fruit and veg.

Good growing weather in 2014 was good in most parts of Europe. The sunflower seed harvest, for example is likely to be the second highest ever gathered. The seeds are used primarily for their oil.

Face Oculta sentences handed out – Godinho gets 17 years in prison

faceocultaThe Face Oculta case drew to a close today as prison sentences were handed out at the end of a trial resulting from an investigation that started five years ago.

The nationwide political corruption, money-laundering and corporate tax evasion scandal, came to light in October 2009 and resulted in the Prosecutor accusing 36 defendants, 34 people and two companies. 11 prison terms were handed out today.

Algarve court staff to join strike on September 26th

judgeswigThe president of the Union of Judicial Officials (SFJ) today announced a national strike of its members on September 26th plus one day of downtime in each of the 23 new judicial regions as from October 1st.

In a press conference the president of the SFJ, Fernando Jorge, said that the time had come to say “enough.”

Escaped Portuguese murderer arrested in Luxembourg

prisonPolice in Luxembourg, in collaboration with the French authorities, have arrested a prisoner who escaped from Portugal while serving a 15 year sentence for the murder of his daughter.

The arrest was made in Luxembourg on September 2nd - a European arrest warrant had been issued by the Portuguese authorities back in 2011 after the man escaped from prison.

Portuguese sex attacker jailed in the UK

iphoneA Portuguese sex attacker who groped a young woman has been jailed in the UK after she filmed part of the attack on her iPhone.

Luis Silva, 22, had has a bust up with his girlfriend and had 'drunk enough to sink a ship' when he exposed himself to the stranger, groped her and slapped her to the ground.

Algarve’s nurses to join two day strike

nursePortugal’s nurses union today announced a national strike of its members for the 24th and 25th of September due to their exhaustion and the need to hire more nursing staff.

"Portugal’s nurses are currently faced with numerous problems" such as a "serious shortage of professionals," according to the President of the nursing union SEP, José Carlos Martins.

Precise flight arrival time ruling

easyjetAn airline’s official arrival time has been determined as the time its doors are opened rather than the time it touches down.

A case was brought to European Court of Justice which took the decision.

Espírito Santo update

besThe surveillance body for the Swiss financial markets has opened an investigation into the role of Banque Privée Espírito Santo, led by José Manuel Espírito Santo and its role in the selling of Espírito Santo Group debt.

According to the Swiss press an inquiry was announced on Wednesday by FINMA which will look at whether the Banque Privée Espírito Santo, a branch of Espírito Santo Group, lawfully managed its customers' portfolios while loading them with investments in Espírito Santo companies.