US love affair with guns ends in tragedy

rifleAn American girl of just nine was having lessons in firing an Uzi submachine gun. If this is not shocking enough, when she pulled the trigger, the Uzi recoiled sending a bullet to pierce the instructor’s head and killing him.

The death happened at the Last Stop shooting range in Arizona where kids as young as eight years can fire weapons if their parents approve.

Ryanair launches new ticket scheme

ryanairRyanair’s plans to attract business travellers have been furthered by the carrier’s launch of ‘Business Plus’ tickets.

The ticket allows passengers to change flights on the same day and even airports as long as it is in the same destination country for no extra fee. Normally, Ryanair demands as much as £90 for such a change.

There's been nothing wrong with the Finanças website

financaslogoPortugal's Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs, fresh from the parallel planet which he inhabits, has denied the existence of any past of present problems with the Finanças website.

Paulo Núncio seems blissfully unaware of the torrent of customer complaints that followed periods of dismally slow performance by the website at a time when tens of thousands of diligent citizens were trying to enter their tax returns.

Will Portugal's Finance Minister hit her target?

questionThis year’s deficit target of 4% is under pressure as never before as Portugal's Finance Minister Maria Luís Albuquerque struggles to knock together a budget with a current deficit that has worsened by €389 million.

Albuquerque has been helped along by a growth in tax revenue but government expenditure is way off target as state employees resist redundancies and the Court of Auditors rejects pay cut proposals.

Promised bypass team has yet to start work in Faro

farobypassProtest group ‘Salvar Faro, com o coração’ has spotted that the long awaited team set to to complete the bypass across the north of the regional capital is nowhere in sight despite promises by Estradas de Portugal.

The announcement that the work had resumed now seems to have been premature and despite last week’s carefully staged photo opportunity for council members and Estradas de Portugal management, “only three machines were operating" by the end of last week when 50 men and associated diggers had been promised.

Portugal Telecom was used like a bank by Espírito Santo

ptLate in 2013 Portugal Telecom held €750 million in Espírito Santo International debt which was repaid with interest early in 2014. So far, so good.

Additional information about PT’s close relationship with Espírito Santo companies is revealed in notes on market regulator CMVM's website posted on Monday night.

These show that PT group companies bought short-term debt in Espírito Santo International three times last year.

Government prepares for rocky Troika revisit

imfThe Troika will be back in Portugal in October to review the 2015 State Budget.

This is the first time funding team will have visited Lisbon since they left at the end of the bailout programme, this time it is for a spot of ‘post-adjustment programme monitoring.’

HMRC could become “judge, jury and executioner”

hmrcBritain’s tax authorities are poised to begin raiding bank accounts to claim money it claims is due to the Exchequer.

The new power, not yet authorised, has provoked opposition from the Building Societies Association which represents all 44 building societies in the UK.