Salgado's cousin loses Cascais house despite corporate ownership ruse

cascaisRicardo Salgado’s cousin, José Manuel Espírito Santo, is losing his house as the trick of registering the property in the name of a company has not fooled the judges for one moment.

The swish Rua da Saudade property in Cascais, on paper at least is owned by ‘Casa da Saudade - Gestão de Bens Móveis e Imóveis SA.’ The former BES director and his wife were directors of this company and lived in the property as if it was their own to enjoy.

Loulé’s Cimpor cement factory back in business

cimporLoulé’s only serious industrial plant has been fired up once more as demand for cement picks up for Cimpor.

The furnace, allowed to cool last September, is now operatimng again and the men have returned to work at the Algarve's only cement factory.

Cost of cancelling Galp-ENI concession rises to €60 million

oceanZERO - Portugal’s Sustainable Terrestrial System Association, has asked Secretary of State for Energy, how much it now will cost to cancel the Galp-ENI drilling contract.

The letter points out that the recently awarded TUPEM licence for drilling, will see the consortium spending anything upto €60 million on its test well, money it inevitably will want back if its licence is anulled.

Deutsche Bank still in the red with second annual net loss

deutschebankEmbattled Deutsche Bank reported on Thursday the large loss of €1.9 billion in just the last quarter of 2016.

This contributed to its net loss of €1.4 billion for the year. This comes on top of the €6.8 billion loss it posted in 2015.

Portugal's national debt shock - up €9.5 billion in a year

bop2As Portugal’s prime minister goes out and about, telling all and sundry that the country’s finances are fine, and the finance minister shows the Eurogroup that the 2016 year-end deficit will be well below expectations, the Bank of Portugal has been obliged to tell the awful truth.

Portugal’s national debt grew by €9.5 billion last year.

It's official: former Caixa Geral directors must submit asset and income statements

caixageral2The saga of the directors of Caixa Geral de Depósitos who refused to hand in their income and asset statements, as is normal for those running publically owned companies, is nearly over as the Constitutional Court today concluded that ‘the rules are the rules.’

António Domingues , the former chairman of Caixa Geral, who resigned over this issue along with other directors, will now be notified that the must declare his income and assets, even though he no longer works at the struggling State-owned bank.

Loulé 's 'Café Calcinha' to reopen in April

cafelouleIn April, 2014, Loulé council decided it would buy the Art Deco ‘Café Calcinha,’ down the road from the town hall, to ensure that the historic property would not be altered beyond recognition.

The deputy mayor at the time said the café was famous for its association with poet António Aleixo, that it dated from 1927 and was “a perfect replica of another one in Brazil."

WWII U-boat found off the Açores

u35uboat"It's 870 meters deep and it's a great scientific opportunity because it was colonised by corals," says Kirsten Jakobsen, referring to German U-boat, number U-581, which sunk 75 years ago.

The German submarine was found by a team of researchers from the Rebikoff-Niggeler Foundation*, it was announced today, Wednesday February 1st, but "the discovery was made on September 13th, 2016.

The wreck of the submarine is located south of São Mateus on the island of Pico in the Açores," said Kirsten Jakobsen, who with her husband, Joachim Jakobsen, found the wreck of the submarine which is preserved in a sheath of cold water coral.