Algarve anti-oil fight heads to Lisbon

aljezuroilAlgarve protestors are heading to Lisbon later this month, to hear the government's explanation of its incomprehensible pro-oil stance in the face of national climate change agreements and serious irregularities in licencsing agreements.

Premier anti-oil association, ASMAA, has selected February 23rd for a long-overdue parliamentary hearing to discuss the various points raised during the public consultation for the Galp-ENI test well drilling application.

Greater weather turbulence predicted for Europe

wave3The insurance sector reports that the number of floods and wind storms experienced in Europe has risen dramatically since 1980.

Their research also indicates that the increases are “in line with climate change”.

List of consumer complaints again headed by rip-off telecoms companies

decoDeco handled 460,000 complaints last year, with telecoms customers again heading the list of disgruntled customers.

Most of the 45,515 complaints against high street telecoms companies were over long-term loyalty strategies that seemed to have been designed to disadvantage existing customers.

Gang laundered 'more than €150 million' through Portugal's high street banks

Members of a MMMmmmmjjjjsM85798579Members of a criminal network, accused of laundering more than €150 million through Portuguese banks, are on trial in Lisbon.

Twenty-nine individuals and the owners of companies Money One and Transfex are being prosecuted.

Bird ‘flu case brings ban on Algarve poultry movement

fluA case of suspected bird ‘flu in a grey heron  (Ardea Cinerea) was confirmed on Tuesday in the Algarve. The bird had been found dead in Ludo, Almancil and was taken for tests.

The alert level has been raised and "protection and surveillance measures in the Algarve region have been strengthened," according to the Food and Veterinary Office.

McCanns lose High Court appeal against Amaral’s 'Truth of the Lie’ book

8585Madeleine McCann’s parents have lost their appeal over the acquittal of Gonçalo Amaral, a former inspector of the Judiciary Police, who claimed in his book, ‘Madeleine, Truth of the Lie,' that Kate and Gerry McCann had been responsible for her disappearance.

Amaral wrote that the McCanns faked the abduction of Madeleine, claiming that she had died in the Praia da Luz holiday apartment in May 2007.


Germany ended year as world’s richest exporter

bmwGerman exports remain on a roll with the country breaking a trade surplus record in 2016.

The result catapulted Germany into the position of the world’s richest exporter, overtaking China, according to a respected economic think tank.

Welcome dip in Portugal’s jobless rates

joblessThe unemployment level in the eurozone dropped to 9.6% in December 2016.

This was down from the 10.5% which stood the previous December.