Faro - floating body still had phone and money

FaroDocksNewMarinaSmallTwo shellfishermen discovered a dead body on Sunday morning, floating in the water the south far side of Faro harbour. 

The men called the authorities at around 08.25 but there was nothing anyone could do as the body clearly was lifeless.

PM wants Portugal to 'ride the crest of the wave' into the 4th Industrial Revolution

fibreopticAntónio Costa wants Portugal to "ride the crest of the wave" into the fourth Industrial Revolution.

The Prime Minister was in Leiria to launch ‘Indústria 4.0’, a package of training and innovation initiatives to propel the country’s businesses into the forefront of their sectors.

Spanish economy powers ahead

spanishfactoryThe economy in Spain grew by 3.2% last year, according to official figures released on Monday.

The result mirrored that of 2015 and was one of the best among EU countries.  Eurostat statistics indicate that average annual growth in the euro block was 1.7% in the third quarter of 2016.

Slave labour at the Ministry of Finance

taxThe one year course for 886 trainee tax inspectors is stretching into its third - but not becasue the students are dim.

The Ministry of Finance refuses to announced when this torment will end despite the trainees having completed all the necessary tests to become tax inspectors. As they remain as lowly paid trainees for no good reason, it can be assumed that the reason is cost.

VW rolls into top position

vwlogosCar manufacturing giant Volkswagen has become the world’s leading car seller.

VW sales in 2016 outpaced those of Japan’s Toyota which been the top seller for the last four years.

Lone Star close to closing Novo Banco deal

8552Novo Banco bidder, Lone Star, has dropped its insistence that the Portuguese taxpayer should underwrite the bank’s non-performing loan book.

The US fund also is working with un-named Portuguese financial institutions and individuals to improve its image in the eyes of the Bank of Portugal.

GNR reservist drowns in Arade river crossing accident

gnrlogoHumberto Nunes, a 55-year-old reservist in the GNR, drowned in the Arade while trying to reach the riverbank from his vehicle, which has been stranded mid-way across.

The accident was in the S. Bartolomeu de Messines area of Silves.

Fewer than one million British expats found in EU

europemapThere are not as many British expats living in EU countries as had previously been thought, according to research by the Office of National Statistics.

Some 890,000 British citizens are dotted around the EU, with the lion’s share of 308,805 in Spain.