Alcoutim’s floating walkway to Spain

alcoutimFor three days in March, the public will be able to cross the Guadiana River on foot from Portugal's Alcoutim to Spain's San Lúcar on the opposite bank.

The council is having the bridge installed as part of the Festival of Contraband - trafficking in the Arts of the Guadiana (Festival do Contrabando – Tráfico de Artes do Guadiana)  on March 24th to the 26th.

The Algarve will be chilly while much of Europe freezes

snowA cold front is due to affect Portugal on Thursday for at least a week with plunging temperatures reaching zero in parts of the country.

A polar air mass sweeping down from Scandinavia is freezing areas not used to being frozen, such as southern Italy and Greece, with snow and ice settling through much of Europe.

ZERO outlines four reasons to halt Almaraz power station plans

nuclearZERO, the Association for a Sustainable Terrestrial System, is one of the organisations that forms part of the Iberian Antinuclear Movement, which has called for strong support of the demonstration taking place on Thursday, January 12, at 6:00 pm, in front of the Spanish Consulate in Lisbon, Avenida da Liberdade, calling for the closure of the Almaraz nuclear power station.

There are four reasons that ZERO considers justification for the closure of the Almaraz plant, and the viability of a facility for the temporary storage of nuclear waste in an area adjacent to this facility:

'Is the Minister killing Algarvians?' by Jack Soifer

crashlouleThe assumption that in a democracy, governments do the best for their electors seems a joke these days. The best example is the revamping of the Algarve’s EN125 which is using a totally outdated technique and is increasing, not limiting, the number of accidents in the Algarve.

In the meanwhile the broad and expensive A22 is almost empty and is being used less than ever.

EN125 roadworks to re-start on Thursday, Jan 12th (2017)

roadworksSuch is the importance of this event, the road concession holder Rotas do Algarve Litoral is to hold an official re-launch in Lagos to be attended by the Minister of Infrastructure, Pedro Marques and hosted by Rui Sousa from the company.

Marques is the minister whose vagueness over start dates has become legendary ever since work on the EN125 was suspended at the beginning of the 2016 summer tourist season and failed to re-start when the traffic volume fell in September.

Loulé council to spent €1.3 million on palace renovation

LoulePalacioGamaLobosLoulé council has signed a deal to renovate the historic Palácio Gama Lobos in Rua Nossa Senhora de Fátima. The contract runs for 18 months and will cost €1.3 million.

The Palácio Gama Lobos is one of the most important buildings Loulé has to offer. The historic part is Pombaline, from the second half of the C18th, and it is this section that needs the renovation work. The other part is an extension from the beginning of the C20th and currently is used for various indoor sporting activities.

Interflora to grow across Portugal

intafloraInterflora is to enter the Portuguese market aiming to sign up 150 - 200 florists to privide a nationwide service.

The international network of flower shops wants full distribution and estimates that this number of partner florists should be sufficient to enable its worldwide brand to succeed in the Portuguese market.

Portuguese Prime Minister's Indian trip going down well

antoniocosta3Prime Minister António Costa is is India drumming up trade and signing agreements duringa  seven day State visit. One agreement is that India and Portugal will work out a co-production agreement in the film sector to run for a fixed period.  

A further agreement between the public broadcasters of both the countries to share best practices and cooperate in technical and content related matters also was discussed at a meeting in New Delhi between India’s Minister of State for Information & Broadcasting, Col. Rajyavardhan Rathore, and Portugal’s Minister of Culture, Luís Filipe Castro Mendes.