Tosta Mista with Alvaro Costa is Coming To Radio near you

Tosta Mista with Alvaro Costa is Coming To Radio near youThe Best Mix of Portuguese Music, Bands, Fans and Culture ...... in English. Announcing `Tosta Mista´ the newest Portuguese music discovery radio show to target the English marketplace.

Well known journalist and music guru Álvaro Costa together with International Development and music consultancy firm The Portugal Music Scene have teamed up with RTP Radio Antena 3, in association, to launch this intuitive show.

Fun Fitness

Fun FitnessLooking for a great way to keep fit AND have fun? Phil and Lisa Soames are a husband and wife duo that run a selection of exercise classes in Lagos and Burgau that offer professional tuition alongside fun and enjoyment. All classes are €5 euros.

São Brás festival features 'Blues' themed art competition in Museu do Traje - July 7th

paintbrushesAn exhibition of paintings on canvas with the theme the Blues has been organised by the Friends of the Museum of São Brás in partnership with the International Association of Art and the Peace and Art Society, which have developed the Blues project for painting on canvas.

Participating artists, of various nationalities, are creating works of art that represent a comprehensive overview of Blues music and its influence on the world in which we live.

Senior Bikers 7th Anniversary Lunch

Senior Bikers 7th Anniversary LunchThe motorcycle riders of the Algarve Senior Bikers celebrated the 7th year of the group's existence with lunch at Restaurante A Kanga in Santa Barbara de Nexe. 
The lunch organised by John Tavener was followed by Celebration Cakes made by Dee Shirley.

Licensing of Father Rob Kean, Praia da Luz

Father Mark Wilson; Angela Kean, Father Rob Kean, Padre Ze ManuelSt Vincent’s Church, Praia da Luz is flourishing. Despite over two years of interregnum our church family continues to grow. So it was with great joy we celebrated the licensing of our new permanent priest, Father Robert (Rob) Kean.

The service was led by the Archdeacon of Gibraltar, The Reverend Canon Geoffrey Johnston, with Father Mark Wilson, Chaplain of our Central and Eastern congregations, Reader Bob Kelly and Padre Zé Manuel, Roman Catholic priest in Luz, in attendance. Father Geoff said it was indeed a day for celebration and joy at the new ministry of Father Rob and reminded us that Jesus enjoyed a celebration: his first miracle was turning water into wine at a wedding in Cana.

'Kindertransport' - get involved in the Algarveans next production

'Kindertransport' - Get involved in the Algarveans next productionThe Algarveans Experimental Theatre group’s choice of play for the autumn production has frequently been in the top 10 most-performed productions by amateur theatre groups in recent years. 

Kindertransport by Diane Samuels tells the story of a young German Jewish girl, Eva, who is sent by her parents on the Kindertransport to start a new life with a foster family in Britain just before the outbreak of World War II. Over forty years later she has changed her name to Evelyn and denied her roots but when her own daughter discovers some old letters and photos in the attic, Eva is forced to confront the truth about who she really is and reveal a dark secret that she has done everything to keep hidden.

Easter Festival at Golf Santo Antonio

Easter Festival at Golf Santo AntonioGolf Santo António, at Parque da Floresta, held their Easter Festival between 14th and 17th April, consisting of a combination of events, Texas Scramble, Pairs Better Ball, Dubai and Am Am competitions.

The final day included a prize giving dinner party, which filled the Clubhouse Spike Restaurant and prizes were awarded to the winners. After the dinner Golf Santo António provided live entertainment and those in attendance danced the night away to the magnificent sound of ‘The Links’…