Safe Communities Portugal signs national protocols with SEF and the ANPC

SEF protocol was signed by the National Director António Pereira, and the ANPC protocol by the President, Major General Francisco Grave Pereira.In a major step forward in the development of Safe Communities Portugal (SCP), national protocols have been signed between the association and the Autoridade Nacional de Protectҫao Civil (ANPC) (National Authority for Civil Protection) and Serviҫo de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (SEF).

Both events took place on 10th December 2015 in separate signing ceremonies held at the organisation's respective headquarters in Lisbon. The SEF protocol was signed by the National Director António Pereira and the ANPC protocol by the President, Major General Francisco Grave Pereira.

The hunt is on for a new Musical Director

The Hunt is on for a new Musical DirectorA new Musical Director? Yes, unfortunately our current MD will leave Portugal in April next year leaving us without a leader to continue her good work.

Who are we? We are Bella A Cappella, the only Barbershop Chorus in Portugal.  We are based in the Algarve.
Every Tuesday we have our rehearsal evening in the beautiful Lagar in Moncarapacho.

Chelsea Pensioner At Remembrance Day Service

British Ambassador Mrs Kirsty Hayes lays a wreath on Remembrance SundayA Chelsea Pensioner, resplendent in his familiar scarlet uniform, was among the guests at a Remembrance Day Service at St. Luke’s Church, Palhagueira Village, Gorjões earlier this month.

Military veteran Gordon Sanders was joined in the wreath-laying ceremony by Mrs Kirsty Hayes, Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Portuguese Republic and Philip Ladbrook, on behalf of the Portugal Royal British Legion’s Algarve Branch.

Learn the art of Life Drawing in Olhão

Learn the art of Life Drawing in OlhãoEach Thursday morning a small and dedicated group meet to study and draw their responses to the male or female nude.
The poses are short so they have to work fast.

A review of Talking Heads, the recent Algarveans production

A review of 'Talking Heads', the recent Algarveans productionThe following review was written by David Butler-Cole, a long-standing Algarve resident. He is a playwright and theatre director who has been involved in the arts here on the Algarve for many years.


Quinta dos Vales’ Open Door event overcomes the competition of football and elections

Quinta dos Vales’ Open Door event overcomes the competition of football and electionsDespite some minor interruptions in the form of early October rain, the 13th edition of Quinta dos Vales’ “Open Door” was once again a resounding success. Although there were noticeably fewer Portuguese faces in attendance than usual, because of the elections and three important football matches, the turnout exceeded expectations.

The strong interest of the Algarvian and Lisbon foreign community brought the visitor count once again above the magical number of 2.000 despite the strong “competition”.

CHOS3N asks the Algarve to choose them

CHOS3NA UK-based Gospel trio who performed in aid of people in need in the Algarve is now asking the Algarve to support them.

In December 2013, Lagoa Christian Fellowship invited the Midlands UK based Gospel trio ‘Chos3n’ to help with the Ministry’s outreach to the homeless and needy in the area.
The trio performed for one night at the Teatro Mascarenhas Gregorio in Silves, accompanied by Filarmónicas Silves and other local artists. All proceeds from the event went directly to support people in need in the Algarve.

Álvaro de Campos 125th Anniversary

Álvaro de Campos 125th AnniversaryA celebration of Álvaro de Campos will take place in Tavira from 8th to 25th October 2015. One of the organisers of the programme, Tela Leao, kindly agreed to an interview. The recorded interview explores why this character is of relevance to Tavira, Portugal, what artistic activities will take place and who is involved in the events.