Angola threatens Portugal trade

Jose dos SantosAngola's president has said ties with its former colonial ruler, Portugal, are "not well."

Faro leads airport traffic increases

Faro airport boomingPortugal’s airports received 8.8 million passengers in the second quarter of 2013, 4.9% more than in the same period last year, led by Faro which was up 6.1%.

Portuguese consumers slow to shop online

Portuguese prefer shopping in the market and high streetPortugal is six from the bottom of the European league for customers buying on line.

Timeshare buyers paid compensation for slow justice

Vila Real delays in justiceThe Portuguese state has paid compensation of over €1 million as requested by the European Court of Human Rights for "moral damages" to 217 victims of slow justice.

Faro mayor to legalise illegal houses and the helipad on Culatra

Culatra island

The newly elected Mayor of Faro, Rogério Bacalhau, is determined to legalise the illegal houses of Culatra and the helipad that was built without permission or license.

Chinese tourists spark euro fears

Chinese tourists, teething problems...When two Chinese tourists tried to pay their hotel bill with one-euro coins, the police were called.

Tourists reject Madrid

MadridMadrid suffered a drop in tourists this summer, while other parts of Spain saw numbers rise.

Ireland prepares to wave goodbye to Troika

Ireland says goodbyeIreland is poised to exit its EU-IMF bailout programme, but plans to keep its austerity measures in place, according to analysts.