Spanish police apprehend ‘arsenal’ destined for northern Portugal

Spanish police apprehend ‘arsenal’ destined for northern PortugalSpain’s Guardia Civil of Pontevedra seized an arsenal of guns last week which it believes were due to be transported into northern Portugal.

The raid on a property in border town Tomiño uncovered 24 shotguns (four high calibre), four revolvers, two pistols, silencers, cartridges and hundreds of bullets, reports Correio da Manhã, explaining police that mounted Operation Whisper following the posting of weapons for sale on a “popular internet site”.

Article by kind permission of Portugal Resident

Brazilian wanted for murder extradited home from Portugal

Brazilian wanted for murder extradited home from PortugalGiving hope to the father and friends of murdered Portimão teen Rodrigo Lapa, a Brazilian wanted for murder has finally been extradited back home to face his country’s justice system.

Ricardo Leonel Lima, 36, was detected in Portugal only a few months ago (September 2016) thanks to an Interpol alert posted after he fled the country while awaiting trial for the murder in 2003 of his former girlfriend, Kareol Kris da Silva, 21.

Portimão welcomes bumper-size Mar Algarve 2017

Portimão welcomes bumper-size Mar Algarve 2017Minister of the Sea Ana Paula Vitorino will be braving Portimão’s Mar Algarve 2017 expo at Portimão Arena on March 24 and hoping anti-oil protestors are busy elsewhere.

The minister who stood up parliament and lied about the implications of concessions licensed to oil companies along the south and west coasts (click here) will be presenting “some of the news for the sector”, reports Barlavento newspaper, in a three day event which promises this year to be almost twice as large as it was when it first began in 2014.

Portimão burglar arrested after seven months

handcuffThe Portimão prowler has been arrested on suspicion of burglary at seven properties in the area.

The police announced that a 51-year-old man has been arrested, presented to court on Saturday and now sits in jail to wait for his trial.

Justice Minister wants to stop 'weekend jail time' scheme

justiceministerMany parking fine evaders, drunk drivers and dangerous drivers are in a punishment scheme that ensures they are locked up at weekends but able to continue to work during the week.

Around 530 people are spending their weekends in Portugal's jails, according to data from the General Directorate of Reintegration and Prison Services.

Portugal ignores EU regulations designed to help bank account holders

marioCenteno1The European Commission is considering bringing legal actions at the European Court of Justice against Portugal for failing to transpose new Community rules on bank fees.
The new regulations aim to improve the transparency and the comparison of bank services.

The directive, which should have been taken on by Portugal last September, has so far only been adopted by 15 Member States.

José Sócrates - Operation Marquês extended for the fifth time

socratesVRSAThe Attorney General said on Friday that she will extend Operation Marquês and reassess progress in April, to the intense irritation of José Sócrates’ legal team which has pledged to use all legal means to challenge the extension.

An earlier statement from the Attorney General’s office announced the case against the former prime minister and 27 other defendants, would not be finalised until the end of June.

Export boom in agriculture due to illegal immigrant labour

strawberryIllegal immigrants from Nepal, India, Thailand, Bangladesh, Pakistani and Vietnam are working illegally in the Alentejo to fill the increasing demand from agricultural companies for cheap labour.

It is estimated than in the Alentejo town of São Teotónio, near Odemira, its 6,500 inhabitants include over 4,000 illegal immigrants with tens of thousands across the region working without the necessary documentation.