Portugal's 'renewable energy consumption' growth rate - 'could do better'

wave3Portugal’s percentage of energy consumption from renewable sources is the eighth highest of the 28 countries in the European Union.

Data from Eurostat show that in 2015, the share of energy from renewable sources in the total consumption of energy reached 16.7% in the EU, roughly twice as much as in 2004 (8.5 %).

Renovated rural tourist offices are just the beginning

santaClaraAVelhaThe Santa Clara-a-Velha tourist office is to reopen on March 21st after its extensive refit. The remodeling is aimed to provide "a better service for tourists and boost the tourist offer of the interior," according to the council in Odemira.

Santa Clara-a-Velha, (dwindled population estimated at around 500), due north of Monchique and just over the border into the Alentejo, is a picture perfect village on a well-used Rota Vicentina walking route and to near the massive 1968 reservoir overlooked by a defunct 'pousada' that now is privately owned and has been 'opening soon' for years.

Faro's businesses issued with opening and closing times

barportugalFaro's shops, bars and eateries are to have their hours set by the council in a move that ends the rights of owners to set their own opening and closing times.

The council approved a regulation document on March 6th which is set to be enacted, ending the liberal regime set up at the end of 2005, according to Sul Informação.

Algarve solar plant to receive subsidies despite government ending this 'drain on taxpayers'

pvAlgarve Left Bloc MPs, Jorge Costa and João Vasconcelos, have put the Ministry of the Economy on the spot by asking why a west Algarve solar energy plant is to receive taxpayer-funded subsidies.

The government has been crowing about licensing a new wave of ‘subsidy free’ renewable energy projects, including the recently authorised €220 million solar farm in Alcoutim, so it is a little more than curious that the company, Hyperion, has stated that it will receive taxpayer subsidies for its new 44Kw project in Bensafrim, Lagos.

An independent Scotland must queue for EU membership

scotlandSpain’s foreign minister has said that Spain is opposed to Scotland leaving the United Kingdom.

Alfonso Dastis said that membership to the EU for an independent Scotland would not be automatic and it would have to be at the end of the queue if it wanted to join.

São Brás mayor hit by first pre-election salvo

saobrasSocial Democratic party councillors in São Brás de Alportel have accused the Socialist mayor, Vítor Guerreiro, of acting illegally from the start of his tenure and that he has left the council wide open to claims due to procedural irregularities.
The Social Democrats explain that since the inauguration of mayor Vítor Manuel Martins Guerreiro and other members of the executive branch elected by the Socialist Party, no decisions formally have been passed at a full meeting of the chamber.

Former Estoril Racing Circuit managers in court on embezzlement charges

4775Two former managers of the Estoril Racing Circuit are in court tomorrow, Wednesday 14th March, charged with embezzlement and abuse of power.

Domingos Piedade, the former chairman of the board of directors of Circuito Estoril, the State company that has operated the Estoril Circuit since 2002, and Isabel Brazão, a former administrator, are to be tried in Cascais.

Councillor's car torched in Lagos

fireA well-known lawyer from Lagos had his car torched, alongside two other vehicles, outside an apartment block in Cerro das Mós in Lagos.

The three vehicles were completely destroyed by the fire which started last Friday night.