US State Department says Portugal is awash with drugs money

angolaPortugal should be worried about the "huge suspicious investments" by Angolan citizens in luxury properties, companies and financial institutions in Portugal, according to a report by the US State Department that studiously will be ignored by the government and the country's banks.

According to the International Narcotics Control Strategy Report 2017, the Portuguese Government should "continue to monitor Angolan investments in Portugal in areas such as luxury real estate, financial institutions and companies."

Spain reinforces security protocols in case of nuclear emergency at Almaraz

nuclearSpain’s government and its municipalities within 10 kilometres of the country’s nuclear power station network, including the ageing Almaraz plant, have signed an agreement to improve safety protocols "in case of a nuclear emergency."

The agreement provides, among other measures, for technical support to councils, information programmes for local populations, and theoretical and practical training for technicians in emergency plans and drills.

Portugal's Sport Zone to merge with JD Sports to create Sonae-backed giant

footballBritain’s sports good retailer, JD Sports, has announced a potential merger with Sport Zone which operated across Spain and Portugal.

The partnership would create an Iberian sports retail group which would include the JD Group as a major shareholder (50%) along with Sonae (30%) and the family shareholders of JD Sprinter, the Spanish business in which JD Sports bought a stake in 2011 (20%).

Cannabis production would ease much of the Alentejo's rural pain

cannabisThe area around the Alqueva reservoir in the Alentejo is an ideal place to grow cannabis on an industrial scale, so apt is the land that multinationals already are eyeing up the area in preparation for the legalisation of the drug in key European markets.

Portugal’s Left Bloc is pushing for the legalisation of cannabis plantations to supply already legal overseas markets and says the legalisation of cannabis cultivation is unstoppable.

Unstoppable virus is wiping out Portugal's amphibians

FrogDeadAccording to a report in the journal Scientific Reports, a new strain of ranavirus* is wreaking havoc in Portugal's amphibian populations.

The infectious agent that causes the epidemic is highly virulent and in addition to amphibians, it now is affecting fish and reptiles.

Italy seeks wealthy outsiders while tackling poverty at home

yachtIn a bid to entice rich foreigners to its shores, Italy has introduced a preferential tax rate for them.

The new flat tax rate of €100,000 per annum will cover all income received worldwide for foreigners who make Italy their tax residence. To be eligible, a person must live in Italy for more than 183 days a year.

Algarve anti-tolls committee demands secret PPP contract is published

cuviprotestBoliqueimeThe Via do Infante Users Committee again has met to look at the damage that the tolls system on the A22 motorway already has caused and to schedule new actions to get them scrapped.
For the Committee, in addition to the damage to the regional economy, the tolls indirectly are causing an increasing number of accidents and deaths on the EN125 ‘alternative’ road which is not even close to being upgraded, as promised when the tolls were imposed in 2011.

Bank of Portugal to be stripped of much of its power

bop2The Government is set to strip the Bank of Portugal of its role in sorting out the ‘rescue’ of troubled banks, a task at which it has hardly excelled.

This show of strength by the prime minister, who has supported the Bank of Portugal's governor Carlos Costa with increasing difficulty, is as far as he can go to punish the lame duck governor for a lackluster performance that has cost the country billions.