Zero-hours contracts in Britain may be waning

clockThe number of people in the UK who are on zero-hours contracts hit a record high of 910,000 by the end of 2016.

This represented a leap of 13% over the number of such contracts the year before, according to an analysis of official data by the Resolution Foundation think tank.

Government ignores bid of €4 billion to sell Novo Banco for just €750 million

novobancoshinylogoIn a timeframe that has become long and bendy, Portugal’s Finance Minister, Mário Centeno, said today that he hopes the process of selling Novo Banco will be completed "in the coming weeks."

"The expectation is that this process will take place in the coming weeks, but I would not like to set a date because there are negotiations that involve not only the European Central Bank but also other relevant actors in this process," the minister said in Lisbon at a joint press conference with the French Minister of Finance, Michel Sapin, in which they addressed the future of the European Union.

Brazil’s crippling recession is worst ever

braziljesusThe recession which has enveloped Brazil for the last two years is reported to be the worst on record.

The latest figures show that the economy shrunk by 3.6% in 2016, leaving the country’s economy smaller by 8% than it had been in 2014. This is the sharpest retraction since records began.

Third of Portuguese supermarket sales are private label brands

shoppingbasketMore than half of the fast-moving consumer goods market in Portugal is made up of private label* brands, but they account for only one-third of the value of supermarket sales.

These figures from the third edition of the study "Brands + Consumers", a partnership of Centromarca and Kantar Worldpanel, which focuses on the evolution of the fast-moving consumer goods market in Q4 2016, as reported by Diário de Noticias.

Property rates scam - government overcharges homeowners €92 million in three years

vrsa2At least four million home owners in Portugal are being overcharged when paying their their property rates bills (IMI), warns the consumer watchdog, Deco

The coefficients that go into the long and complicated equation used to calculate the annual property tax have been set so that, on average,  each householder is paying an extra €100 or more.

Car auction fraudsters charged in Faro

renaultlagunaThe Public Prosecutor in  Faro has now charged 29 suspects with corruption, fraud and criminal association.

The defendants include a court official who is accused of slipping minimum price details to others for vehicles due to be auctioned off by the State so bids could be lodged at just over the lowest acceptable price, or just over any other bids.

Christie's cancel Miró auction contract without suing the Portuguese State

miroFortunately for the Portuguese taxpayer, the gentlemen at the British auction house, Christie’s, have agreed to cancel the contract to sell the Joan Miró collection, without requiring payment or seeking damages.

The Finance Ministry today announced that Parvalorem and Parups have reached an agreement with Christie’s to rescind the sale by auction agreement for the collection of 85 works by the Spanish painter.

Brexit: easyJet may re-register in Portugal to keep European routes open

easyjetPortugal is on a short-list of two countries of which easyJet will request a local Air Operator’s Certificate due to post-Brexit complications if it wants to keep flying on European routes outside the UK.

The airline’s management has been in talks with the Portuguese government over registering an affiliate company in Portugal so it can keep running easyJet domestic operations across Europe.